The city of Twin Lakes, Wisconsin is planning to conduct a Canada Goose round up and cull. This will include rounding up resident geese, along with their newly hatched goslings, and gassing them. The gas used is carbon dioxide, which is approved as a humane method of euthanasia. Unfortunately, carbon dioxide euthanasia is not humane. Animals that are put in such gas chambers experience fear and suffocation. This is no way to treat an animal who's primary offense is producing feces.
There are many non-lethal and cheaper alternatives to control the geese population. Hazing or scaring geese so they decide to leave on their own (using trained dogs, audio or visual stimuli, or gadgets like "The Goosinator"), changing the habitat so it isn’t attractive to geese and addling or oiling eggs are some examples. Please urge Twin Lakes to seek out these alternatives, and not resort to senseless slaughter.