There is a mass epidemic in the city of Azusa and more so at high-kill Baldwin Park Shelter. There are animals being bred and later dumped at our local kill shelter. Highly adoptable animals are being put down due to the over-breeding of pets by their irresponsible owners for profit!
The city has contracted with an agency that responds reactionarily, not proactively.Many of the dogs (with pit bulls and chihuahuas being highest in number), are put down, almost within days of being brought to the shelter due to LACK OF SPACE. We are asking city council to implement mandatory spay/neuter laws designed to curb pet over-population and the mass killing of healthy animals bred for profit, when in reality, there are NOT enough homes!!!
In Addition: We are also asking for the implementation of a TNR - Trap, neuter, return, to help alleviate the number of stray, feral cats born year after year, multiple times during the year. Studies have shown that this is a responsible way to deal with animal overpopulation, by helping to reduce the numbers, while improving the life of the feral animal.