UNA-UK believes that the UN is an essential tool for building a safer, fairer and more sustainable world. But in order for it to be effective, it needs the support of governments and individuals alike.
Ahead of UN Day – 24 October 2012 – we are asking UNA-UK and all those interested in the UN to pledge their support for the Organisation by signing the petition below.
We also want to canvass your views on what the UN's priorities should be, and how we can work together to make it stronger and better-equipped to perform its life-saving functions. Use the comment box on the petition form to let us know your thoughts.
UNA-UK will use your pledges and ideas to demonstrate to the UN and the UK government that there is a critical mass of support for the UN in this country and around the world.
UK Government,
Ahead of UN Day – 24 October 2012 – UNA-UK members and supporters are pledging their support for the UN by signing the petition below.
Signees have also been voicing their views on what the UN's priorities should be, and how we can work to make the organisation stronger and better-equipped to perform its life-saving functions.
We believe that it is crucial for the UK government to recognise that there is critical mass of support for the UN and for a multilateral approach to foreign policy among the UK electorate and around the world.
Yours faithfully,
[the undersigned]