Small birds are being trapped inside Lowe's home improvement stores and dying from lack of water and food. This leads to a cruel and preventable death. Some birds try to escape by flying toward large windows in the buildings. These windows are sealed and cannot be openned to the outside. Some stores have actively covered bird seed bags for sale so that birds can not peck through plastic or find small dropped seeds to keep them alive. There is very little to no water available to these trapped birds to drink from inside the store. Birds come into buildings through large automatic garden doors. Lowe's needs to have high windows accessible to birds that can be opened to release trapped birds. Lowe's needs to install and maintain either blowers or other humane methods at automatic door openenings to prevent birds from coming into the store.
Dear CEO Robert Niblock, First Vice Chairman, Lowe's Companies Inc.,
Mooresville, NC 28117
Dear Sir,
Please immediately implement methods to prevent needless painful bird deaths trapped in LOWE'S home improvement stores. Include large windows that can be opened so that birds have acess to an "escape" hatch at times birds are trapped inside. Please also install and maintain "blowers" or other humane methods at all doors to discourage birds from entering stores.
Lowe's sells a variety of bird seeds of all kind. Bird feeding and watering items are displayed for consumers to purchase. Please show us that LOWE'S values LOWE'S patrons love of birds by immediately implementing corporate policy to direct employees to save birds' lives by making necessary changes to store environement in line with humane methods to save trapped bird lives.
Thank you