Millions of animals such as mice, rats, cats, dogs, rabbits, primates as well as other animals are killed due to animal testing every year. They are locked inside cages in laboratories all over the world, however animal testing is banned in the European Union, India and Israel. Animals are used to test drugs, food, cosmetics, medical training exercises, curiosity based medical experiments at universities and dissection in biology classes. In addition of actual experimentation, animals in laboratories are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them. They are confined to barren cages, socially isolated, and psychologically traumatized.
Many companies claim that they do not test on animals and have pledged on their websites that their products are cruelty free, however, some may still be testing. A product that may be harmful to animals can still be sold by companies. Even if a product is shown to be safe on animals, it doesn’t guarantee that it will be safe for humans. Companies like L'oreal, Covergirl and Pfizer are companies that still test on animals to this day, even though they may have declined that they do.
Cosmetic companies have been making quality products for years, but what people don't know is they have been testing on animals. This needs to be stopped now! If you care about animals and don't want to ever use animal tested cosmetic products again, sign this petition. Animal testing can be stopped!
I'm a student at an International school and I need your help to stop animal testing at major cosmetic companies. Animals are very close to my heart, and they should be to you too! I will send this petition to the companies and maybe an e-mail or letter if I get enough signatures. Put a stop to animal testing!