In my quest to work against animal cruelty and abuse, I find it very disturbing that it continues at the level that it does. These innocent creatures are still being used in research, lab tests, the entertainment field and as methods of promotions in the retail field. Such is the case with the Suburban Auto Group that uses chimpanzees in some of their advertising. A young chimp in the televised ad was provided by an alleged animal abuser by the name of Sid Yost for their Trunk Monkey Ads. You can read more from PETA on this issue at
The ad in question is one from 2003, yet it is still being aired. Complaints have surfaced about this commercial due to the fact that Yost provided the featured young chimp for this ad, after he allegedly received some 40 allegations of the Animal Welfare Act, including physical abuse of animals. These young animals used in ads and entertainment are so often taken from their natural habitats and their mothers shortly after birth Once they age and become too strong to handle, they are discarded like yesterday’s trash or get transferred to roadside zoos and other inadequate facilities with poor care.
These animals are endangered and need to remain in their natural habitats where they live for a typical lifespan of 60 years or more. Other car dealerships have pulled their Trunk Monkey ads using these animals, and the hope is that the Suburban Auto Group will follow suit. Join me in this effort to urge them to pull their ads and vow never to use any animals in their future ads. You can help with this issue by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own comments and thoughts on saving animals like these from such future ads.
The Suburban Auto Group – I was very disturbed to learn that the Suburban Auto Group continues to air the Trunk Monkey ads, knowing that alleged animal abuser Sid Yost has provided the featured chimp for the ad. Chimps and other great apes are endangered and should never be used for such publicity or any other entertainment purposes. Other dealerships have long stopped these types of ads and I feel saddened that you continue with this ad. I strongly urge you to pull this offensive ad immediately and vow never to use chimps, other great apes or other animals in any of your advertising campaigns.