Listing Status: Threatened
Sea otters are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which prohibits the take (i.e., harass, hunt, capture, or kill) of all marine mammals. Please click the link provided after "For more information" to access the Service’s Marine Mammals Management Northern Sea Otter in Alaska website. Sea Otters are about four feet long and weigh an average of 65 pounds for males and 45 pounds for females. They've got strong canines and strong molars to tear and crush their food. Their lung capacity is 2.5 times the size of land mammals of the same size. They have good eyesight and use their whiskers to sense vibrations in the water. They're known for the use of tools when eating. Because they love mollusks, sea otters will use rocks as hammers and anvils to help open the shells. Because they have no blubber, they must eat 25% of their body weight in food to maintain their high metabolism. Grooming is important as it forces air bubbles into their fur that acts as insulation (Friends of the Sea Otter).