Ban lifelong tethering of dogs nationwide
Dogs don't have a voice but I assure you they are very compassionate creatures. Dogs being tetheed their entire life causes depression just as humans suffer from . No dog should be tied up for his / her entire life , this is cruel and neglectful . Animals need compassion , food , water , shelter , and companionship. It's a real shame a petition has to be created to a matter that is common sense in the majority of us . Why should you sign this... It's simple, they don't have a voice and it's up to people like us who go above and beyond to be their voice . Animals (dogs) left tethered outside are extremely neglected. As the saying goes, outta sight, otta mind. This is a form of cruelty that causes a great deal of stress on these helpless dogs . Together, petition after petition we can make a difference... This is my compassion to save every animal I can and make a difference in that animals life please let's bring these issues to the forefront and make a difference, they are counting on us , let's not let them down !
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