A recent brutal (yet sadly common) incident where a mother dog with all her puppies were all Brutally beaten burned and tortured to death and their lifeless bloody remains Left on the streets highlights the serious and drastic need for Immediate Humane Intervention Education and Law enforcement on the Streets of Egypt. Author is unable to post photo at this time due to its graphic heartbreaking and disturbing nature.
This is an area that has Been neglected far too long and the result is a society out of control with the current treatment of dogs akin to a Horror movie - burned run over slaughtered shot poisoned thrown over bridges mass torture (Dog- fighting has made its way to Egypt and is horrendously popular now too with videos posted and circulating). This is a dangerous commentary on modern Egyptian society due to the connection between animal torture and killing And human attacks. It's crushing that our once great land has come to this- serial killers on the loose with no concerns for community effects. With the world watching Egypt this is a very ugly picture of the modern day Egyptian. This atrocious evil behavior among the masses needs education and governing Laws. Speaking for those that cannot speak for themselves (innocent animals) is a cornerstone of Christianity yet the world is seeing Islam an evil force and is it any wonder when it's followers behave like this with no public outcry or consequence ? All civilized countries have laws protecting the innocent for the safety of their own citizens and community. US Federal laws follow FBI studies that find animal torturers of today are the serial killers of tomorrow (FBI post) - How in Good Gods name have we come to this ? Egypt needs to show the world what religion and humanity actually mean. Immediate LAWS and education programs are to be implemented as well as funds towards actual Humane societies where unwanted animals can be taken in, vaccinated and fixed- Spay/Neuter programs stabilize and reduce populations within 5 years. Current failed yet ongoing inhumane methods of animal "control" are gun shot and poison, both very cruel torturous and inhumane. All of this endangers social and public health and poses a danger to world harmony and peace. These funds and operations are to cease immediately- Egypt Needs to make a sincere effort to work with some international organizations that offer support/ education and spay/neuter programs to stall the horrific daily torture ongoing in this country and start Humane Education And Control Programs as well as implement and enforce LAWS that punish those that torture and kill. Those demons should not be allowed to roam free in any society.