Arizona: Don't Weaken the Endangered Species Act!
- by: Chris Wolverton
- recipient: Arizona Committee on Military Affairs and Public Safety
The Arizona Committee on Military and Public Affairs passed a memorial to amend the Endangered Species Act to exempt military bases and training camps from complying. Memorial SCM 1009 states that the Act "has caused some training activities to be canceled, postponed or modified . . . [and] forced military officials to make adjustments to training regimens."
According to Randy Serraglio from the Center for Biological Diversity, "during the Bush years, the [Department of Defense] concluded that environmental laws do not hinder military preparedness." Even so, the Committee on Military Affairs and Public Safety is seeking exemption for all military training activities. This would give military personnel carte blanch to act recklessly around endangered species, taking no responsibility for any injuries or deaths.
Arizona's endangered species include jaguars, spotted owls and gray wolves. Please sign the petition to tell the Arizona Committee on Military Affairs and Public Safety to rescind their memorial to exempt military bases and training camps from endangered species regulations!
We, the undersigned, are concerned about your memorial to amend the Endangered Species Act to exempt military bases and training camps from complying.
According to Randy Serraglio from the Center for Biological Diversity, "during the Bush years, the [Department of Defense] concluded that environmental laws do not hinder military preparedness." In light of this, we feel it is unnecessary to seek exemption for all military training activities. This would give military personnel carte blanch to act recklessly around endangered species, taking no responsibility for any injuries or deaths.
Arizona's endangered species include jaguars, spotted owls and gray wolves. We respectfully urge you to rescind your memorial to exempt military bases and training camps from endangered species regulations. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.
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