The Kent Branch of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Chatham Kent, Ontario, Canada would until this year respond to wildlife in distress. As of this year the Chatham Kent OSPCA no longer does wildlife calls. This has resulted in many animals suffering needlessly and dying painful deaths.
Prior to this year, the Kent Branch of the OSPCA worked in partnership with authorized rehabilitators in this area by picking up and bringing injured wildlife to the appropriate facility. This partnership provided the best outcome for wildlife and created tremendous good will in the community for the OSPCA along with follow-up donations.
There are enough occasions when members of the public misunderstand the actions of a Humane Society when it is acting in an animal's best interests without actively creating more. How can an agency supposedly devoted to the prevention of cruelty to animals knowingly leave any injured animal unattended when it has the ability to relieve that suffering?
We request that the Chatham Kent Branch of the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals return to the humane and compassionate practices they have demonstrated in the past by responding to wildlife in distress in the Municipality of Chatham Kent, Ontario, Canada.