In mid-January, a bipartisan group of members of Congress introduced legislation to prevent the slaughtering of horses in the United States, end the current export of horses to other countries for slaughtering, and prevent the sale of toxic horse meat.
The Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act -- H.R. 113 -- has wide-ranging support from animal welfare and advocacy groups across the country, including the Humane Society of the United States, the ASPCA, and the Animal Welfare Institute.
It is hard to believe that, in 2017, the barbaric practice of slaughtering horses for meat continues. According to statistics provided by the HSUS, approximately 130,000 horses are shipped to Mexico and Canada EVERY YEAR to be slaughtered for human consumption in foreign countries. In the process of transportation, the horses are frequently subjected to unforgivable abuse and inhumane treatment.
Legislative attempts have been made previously to right this horrific animal abuse and injustice.
Now the SAFE Act is gathering bipartisan support among members of Congress. It is not a narrow political issue -- it's about doing the right and humane thing for America's horses.
Please join me in urging all members of Congress to unite and overwhelmingly support the passage of H.R. 113: the SAFE Act.
It's about humanity and health.