Protect Little CJ from being returned to cruel owner

  • by: essie luckett
  • recipient: The Sydney Magistrate who will allow this to happen

In February this year CJ’s owner was caught in public stamping on his head and kicking him when he was just a defenceless puppy. He was arrested by police and CJ has been safe in the care of Animal Welfare League NSW ever since. The owner was found guilty of animal cruelty, however despite this the Magistrate found no reason for not returning CJ to his owner. Animal Welfare League NSW wants to see this decision overturned, and to be awarded custody of CJ. This will ensure Animal Welfare League NSW can find CJ the loving new family he deserves, where he will be safe from future harm.

Update #210 years ago
Don’t think my earlier update got through. Huge public outrage prompted NSW Police to submit a case to Director, Public Prosecutions for CJ’s return to his abusive owner to be appealed but DPP refused this application and poor little CJ has been returned. I’m devastated as are Animal Welfare League staff. Sent a very strong condemnation letter to the DPP and may even take up a petition regarding their callousness. Let’s pray the owner has turned over a new leaf. Thanks for trying to help
Update #110 years ago
Thank you so much to all who signed my (first) petition. AWL got enough signatures to allow them to persuade the sympathetic Police to present an appeal to the Office of the Department of Public Prosecutions. Their signatures have already gone in so I'm emailing DPP direct ASAP with ours. Keep you posted.
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