Shut Down Illegal Dolphin Swim Facility in The Bahamas

Blackbeard's Cay is a swim with the dolphins facility that has deplorable conditions: the dolphin pens are only 7 feet deep at mid tide, there is no shade and there is no protection in case of hurricanes.

Because of this awful treatment, the Supreme Court ruled that the facility had to be closed down and the dolphins moved to a suitable - more humane - location. But the government is failing to enforce the judge's order, and instead is looking to approve another dolphin facility to be opened.

Captive marine mammal facilities are outdated, inhumane, and anti conservationist. It is critical that we express our objection to these facilities and any future marine mammal facilities in The Bahamas.

Please help us put an end to the exploitation of this species by signing this petition and urging authorities in the Bahamas to follow the law and close down this illegally-running facility.

Dear Minister Gray,

We, the undersigned, appeal to you, the Minister responsible for Marine Mammal issues in The Bahamas to put an end to the exploitation of dolphins and deny approval for the Blackbeards Cay and Grand Bahama Marine Mammal entertainment zoos.

Neither facility was made public, nor was any public consultation invited. We feel very strongly, that this is wrong for The Bahamas, and wrong for the international health of dolphin populations worldwide.

We write to express our unequivocal objection to these facilities and to any future marine mammal facilities being created in the Bahamas. Our objection is based upon the premise that captive marine mammal facilities are out dated, inhumane, and anti conservationist in practice.

We seek governmental support in preventing any future dolphin facilities in The Bahamas.

In conclusion we appeal to you to enact legislation that:

- prohibits the opening of any additional marine mammal facility in The Bahamas

- prohibits any live marine mammal captures in our waters

- prohibits all marine mammal facility breeding programs going forward

- prohibits any future imports or exports of marine mammals to The Bahamas

- looks to a tiered closure of all marine mammal facilities in The Bahamas with a plan to house retired dolphins in a sanctuary funded by the very industry that has benefitted from their enslavement for decades.

[Your Name]

Update #57 years ago
Females and calf left in shallow pens during hurricane Mathew , males said to be transferred to a swimming pool. Bahamas government continues to defy court order and is putting dolphins in jeopardy during a dangerous hurricane
Update #48 years ago
Hurricanes are a huge worry for the exposed dolphins at the illegal substandard facility Blackbeard's Cay, Balmoral Island and now with a 2.5 month old calf in the mix the concern is even higher. The current plan according to documents we have is to leave 2 people at Blackbeard's Cay. reEarth has provided the government and Blackbeard's Cay a plan to evacuating the dolphinsPlease sign and share our petition to SHUT IT DOWN!

Update #38 years ago
We are relieved to inform you that the Department of Marine Resources has investigated the situation and has confirmed that Fiona and her calf are back together again. We are not out of the woods though, this facility continues to operate illegally and we ask that you continue to share our petition until these dolphins can be relocated out of harms way. To everyone who has signed shared, tweeted and emailed - please accept our heartfelt gratitude!
Update #28 years ago
URGENT NEWS 2 1/2 month old calf said to be separated from it's mother at illegal facility Blackbeard's Cay Bahamas - very dangerous situation for calf and heartbreakingly stressful for both mother and calf. PLEASE SHARE!
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