Stop the inhumane disposal of cats! Trapping domesticated and community cats and abandoning them in other areas of the county is not a humane disposal as described by law! It does not solve any overpopulation problems, it creates a vacuum effect to the area from which removed, and an overpoplulation problem in the area that they are being abandoned!
In Las Animas, CO it is legal for homeowners to trap and dispose of animals on their property. The law states that trapped animals must be disposed of by turning them into a shelter or relocating them to a place that provides them with adequate means for survival: both methods require documentation. We have no shelter in the area to surrender cats to. There are several people in our community that have taken it upon themselves to trap and dispose of cats (pets included), and drop them at abandoned farms and at the gates of Ft. Lyon. These methods are inhumane and unacceptable! We must stand up for the rights of these helpless animals and amend the laws regarding trapping! Along with demanding that our local Sheriff's Department and Humane Society representative enforce the laws that are in existence to protect these animals!
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