To petition GUMTREE Australia to stop Advertisements of ALL animals "For Sale" and "Free To Good Home" classified ads.
Unplanned and unwanted litters are often disposed of through 'Free To Good Home'
classified advertisements. While this method may have worked well in the past, when we were a younger, more civilized society, this is no longer a safe avenue to pursue for pet placements.
Dogfighting circles use dogs listed “free to good home” as “bait dogs” for training their own dogs to fight without risking injury to them.
The people looking specifically for “free to a good home” dogs will go to great lengths to appear legitimately interested in providing a perfect, loving home for the dog. They present themselves as well-to-do, responsible dog lovers. They often bring children along to meet the dog and owner to avoid suspicion. They will make up elaborate stories about previous pets, a perfect home and yard, and promise to provide a loving forever home to the helpless animal.
The other risks of "Free To Good Home" or "For Sale" - they can be used for breeding in puppy farms living a life of never been allowed out of their cage to exercise, play, socialise, have companionship or even to go to the toilet. A lot of puppy farm dogs if lucky enough to survive and be rescued are terrified of human beings and physically ill or injured - they literally are money making breeding machines.
Lets cut off the supply to DOG FIGHTERS and put an end to PUPPY FARMING, because the "FOR SALE" and "FREE" Ads on GUMTREE is a constant source for them. Please sign this petition so that we may force GUMTREE AUSTRALIA to stop the classified ads for any animals "FOR SALE" or "FREE TO GOOD HOME".
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