Rare river otters have looked far and wide for the safest place to live in Walnut Creek.....and they still haven't found it. A large family of them has naively made the lakes at Heather Farms their home, along with many other species of unique birds that only visit for a few months every year. The lake that has been set aside to be a wildlife preserve is no longer safe. The signs that have been put up no longer repel the fishermen who kill birds, otters, and turtles while fishing in the lake set aside for the environment instead of fishing in the other legal lake 20 FEET AWAY!!! Please take action with myself and a whole community of others to stop the deaths of innocent creatures that are living in a world where they are never safe. Sign this petition to demand Heather Farm Park in Walnut Creek to hire park rangers that will save the rare otters, unique birds, and other unsuspecting animals from the hooks and lines that strangle and wound.