"Taiji, Japan has had a long history of eating dolphins that many have voiced outrage over, but recently Japanese official Masaki Wada took things to a new level when he said that he plans to build a water park that allows people to eat dolphin meat while watching dolphins in the park.
Taiji, Japan, home to the annual slaughter of thousands dolphins, is no stranger to controversy and continues its inhumane practices despite the negative responses throughout the world. The slaughter season is from September through March, and currently the ocean’s waters are stained red where pods of dolphins are corralled and killed. Two thousand dolphins and whales have been approved by Japan’s government for the annual slaughter, despite the mass protests that take place in response to the horrific practice.
With this history in mind, Masaki Wada is clearly pushing activists to become even more outraged. He has stated, “We already use dolphins and small whales as a source of tourism in the cove where dolphin-hunting takes place. In summer swimmers can enjoy watching the mammals that are released from a partitioned-off space. But we plan to do it on a larger scale.” This attitude is disgusting and this water park should under no circumstances be allowed to be built.
It’s bad enough that the dolphins are forced to do tricks for food, but to allow people to eat them while watching them for entertainment is vile. Dolphins are incredibly smart creatures that should not be hunted for food or spend their lives providing entertainment for humans. Please take a moment to sign the petition below to demand Mr. Masaki Wada to not build this horrible water park in Taiji."