Keep Wolverine Protection Under Endangered Species Act

  • by: Care2 member
  • recipient: Director of the Rocky Mountain Region of Fish and Wildlife Service
"In 2013, a proposal was put forth to name wolverines as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Right now, there are about 300 wolverines in the continental United States. Their habitat has been destroyed by global warming and without it, they cannot survive or reproduce. Over the next 75 years, global warming is expected to destroy 63% of the snowy habitat that they need to survive. This is all pushing the wolverine towards extinction, and after years of research, the government finally took action.
After the proposal to list the wolverine as threatened was put forth, the states that would be affected — like Montana, Idaho and Wyoming, fought it. They called for a committee of scientists to determine the accuracy of the endangerment. All scientists on the panel agreed that, over the long run, global warming will negatively affect the wolverine, potentially to the point of extinction. This decision is doubly upsetting considering that the Obama administration has made several claims saying that they are pro-science and would never let the government get in the way of a scientific decision.
This reversal displays political disturbance in what should be a scientific decision. Therefore, we are calling on Noreen Walsh, Director of the Rocky Mountain Region of Fish and Wildlife Service who wrote the memo ending the wolverine’s proposal on the endangered species list. They need to be on the list if their populations are threatened. If human climate change is going to destroy habitats, then the least we could do is protect the animals affected."
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