A horrific case of animal cruelty occured in Galway in western Ireland where a two weeks old foal was beaten to death by youths and then set on fire. It's mother was also hurt and beaten in the attack and its whereabouts and welfare are not known. The danger is because of the youth of these perpetrators they will get off scot free if they are identified.
Although the attack was witnessed by others they may have been too scared to intervene or come forward. Despite their age these youths knew what they were doing was wrong and such gratuitous violence against vulnerable defenceless animals should not be tolerated or go unpunished. Horses were over bred irresponsibly during the Celtic Tiger years and this is far from the only case of wanton cruelty now that many are not wanted anymore. They are not cheap animals to maintain and are suffering because of others irresponsibility.
Not only is cruelty to animals irreprehensible it is often a prelude by the perpetrators of violence against human beings. The vast amount of decent Irish folk are horrified by what has happened. Let this awful occurence be a watershed and hopefully some good will come out of this horror.
I'm asking the Irish Minister for Justice, should the perpetrators of this atrocity be outed that they be subject to the full force of Irish law which should enact sufficient, tough penalties for animal cruelty. I'm asking also that they receive counselling and stricter laws be enacted regarding animal ownership and tracking to lower the instances of future animal cruelty and neglect.
P.S. I have spoken to a highly reputable source in Galway today who confirmed the incident did occur which contradicts the naysayers here. Due to confidentiality reasons they refused to comment more which was okay because all I needed was to have the incident confirmed or refuted. For this reason I think its best not to name my source but you can rest assured they are an organisation closely linked to the case and the incident did happen unfortunately. I'd have been the happiest if it hadn't.
To read more click http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/news/baby-foal-beaten-to-death-and-set-alight-by-teenage-gang-30367855.html