Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get China to stop bulldozing mountains so that they can make more space for expanded cities. As a result of flattening the lands and altering the landscaping and mountainous areas, these changes are destroying wildlife habitat, displacing the animals environments. They are also polluting the air and water and may present dangers with mudslides and flooding. We must encourage them not to make these changes that could alter much of the natural environment for humans and animals alike.
China is a vast land that is comparable in size to the United States but has less livable space for the number of residents there. And the population continues to grow rapidly. Accordingly, the government has decided to bulldoze hundreds of mountains in an effort to build more housing and buildings to accommodate the growth. It would seem that more space is needed to provide for the ever-growing population but research has shown that bulldozing the mountains can remedy one problem but create many others.
Researchers from the Chang’an University in China warn that the scores of mountains already being truncated is leading to air and water pollution, erosion, and flooding. Additionally, a huge amount of animals and other wildlife will be displaced. Those planning this project have not considered the technical problems, costs and the impact it will have on the environment.
Mountain removal of this magnitude has never been considered or carried out previously on this scale and such projects in China often ignore environmental regulations in search of profit and unadulterated development. Construction will make the air brown as they bulldoze, putting residents in danger. Wildlife is displaced, while forests and plants on hills and in gullies are stripped ahead of the demolition and filling. It is the largest project ever attempted on deposits of wind-blown silt, which can subside when wet and cause structural collapse. The scientists warn that such infill projects have never been used for urban construction and is to detrimental to the environment for the safety of human and animal residents.
Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get China to stop bulldozing mountains so that they can make more space for expanded cities. As a result of flattening the lands and altering the landscaping and mountainous areas, these changes are destroying wildlife habitat, displacing the animals environments. They are also polluting the air and water and may present dangers with mudslides and flooding. We must encourage them not to make these changes that could alter much of the natural environment for humans and animals alike.
China Government and Environmentalists- Please stop bulldozing mountains that affects wildlife, air & water so that you can make more space for cities. People are already living in the mountains but if you move forward with this project, you will be creating a huge costly situation that is also hazardous to your people in neighboring communities, leading to air and water pollution, erosion, and flooding; this will have a huge impact on the environment and disturb all wildlife. Please do not move forward with this project!
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