NO CHARGES will be filed after Cpl. Josh Coleman, an Alabama police officer left his K9 partner, Mason, in a hot car in June for so long that the dog succumbed to the heat and died. Coleman of the Gulf Shores Police Department had just “forgot” about him. Coleman’s irresponsible actions took the life of a helpless animal, but the department would like to remind you that clearly the officer is the real victim here.
Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. Just a few short weeks ago we reported on Hialeah Police Officer Nelson Enriquez, a 13-year veteran of the police force in Miami-Dade County who killed the two police dogs left in his care by also leaving them inside of his hot vehicle. He has NOT BEEN CHARGED with any crime.
However, in 2013, a 16-year-old teenager named Ivins Rosier was tried as an adult and received a 23-year prison sentence for killing a retired police dog during a burglary.
Three days after Coleman left Mason in his car to die, a man in neighboring Georgia left his chihuahua inside his car while he ate at a restaurant with his family, leaving the window cracked to allow air to enter the car. However, a person walking by spotted the dog and called police, who arrived and removed the dog from the vehicle to give it water because it looked dehydrated.
The owner then walked out and was ARRESTED for animal cruelty and is now facing up to six months in jail.
WHY do these 2 police officers have "TRAGIC ACCIDENTS" yet the general public is arrested and goes to jail??? What will it take to make this MADNESS END??? ALL K9 OFFICERS DESERVE BETTER! Thank you for your support and please spread this message and petition around! Go to this link to see video of K9 Officer Mason in action (courtesy of ABC News)
Story details courtesy of Dogs Deserve Better Check out their facebook page at: