Stop horses being abused Demand better passport rules for horses now
- by: Rita M
- recipient: Neil harrison animal welfare shropshire england
Too many horses are being abused through the current legalisations system the abandonment rule stands at 96 hrs in the uk this should be improved to 14 days to enable booking of transport who require at least 7-10 days notice also the current rules for slaughter by huntsman do not require to check a passport or have a vet cerctificate to prove the horse needs to be put down before slaughter this should be changed so that no horse is destroyed until a passport is checked to prove that it is the correct passport for that horse and the person who holds the passport is the true owner and a vet certificate is produced before slaughter to prove its in the best interest of the animal
This petition is important to me because we had our horses stolen and the person who stole them tried to prove we abandoned and neglected them so she would be able to claim ownership so she could have the 5 horses destroyed who she didnt want and sold the other 7 at the sales in cheshire on 21st oct 2015 in her daughters name so we wouldnt get them back this is for them and to stop it ever happening to any horse or human being again.horses deserve a better say in this world and deserve a chance i hope as many people join my petition as they can to help me speak up for them and thier rights
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