In Wyoming according to a law passed by their state legislature and signed by Governor Matt Meade, anyone who is caught taking a photo of polluted rivers caused by e-coli from Cattle waste or any abuse on domesticated animals or WILD LIFE will be charged and fined up to $10,000 and face 10 months in jail.
This law makes it very hard for activist for wildlife ,wilderness and the clean water act to speak out and report this abuse. Activist in Wyoming are afraid . People this is what Nazi Germany was like during WW2.
This law is a blatant constitutional violation and we should all come together to help the good people in Wyoming and tell the President and the U.S. Department of Justice and U.S. Attorney General Lorretta Lynch to declare it as such--Un Constitutional.
When the state of Arizona passed an Immigration Law, then U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder declared that law as a violation of the Constitution and just that made that law Null and Void. We must get Lorretta Lynch and President Obama to do the same with Wyoming's Law and now.