Please add your name to this petition to join the campaign urging Harvard University to stop putting its money into fossil fuel investments.
Harvard University currently has more than $79.5 million invested in publicly traded oil, gas and coal companies - companies that are polluting our environment and endangering our health. More than half of the university's students want Harvard to stop funding dirty energy, but so far the administration has ignored calls to divest.
This week hundreds of Harvard students, alumni, and environmental activists are holding sit-ins and demonstrations to pressure the university to take its money out of stocks that fund oil, gas and coal energy.
Now is our chance to show the university that we support their call to action.
Harvard is one of the most prestigious and powerful schools in the country. The school is a leader in the academic community and its decisions are extremely influential. If Harvard divests from environmentally harmful companies, dozens of other institutions around the world will follow suit.
Add your name now to join the campaign demanding Harvard divest from fossil fuels and invest in a cleaner, more just future for everyone!
If you are a Harvard student, parent of a student, or alum please let Harvard know by making a note in the comment box when you sign this petition!