• by: Kathy Beard
  • recipient: Bob Corker United States Senator, President Obama: Representative DesJarlais: Senator Alexander: Senator Corker:

Dog Fighting in America is cruel and inhumane.  Not only that, but animal abuse is now a felony in all 50 States.  

These poor dogs are innocent creatures who deserve our compassion, love and rescue.  We MUST put an end to this terrible crime and serve justice to those who do  such harm.  

Dog Fighting FAQ:

Please stop by the link below for more information and ways you can help in your community.

One voice CAN make a difference!


Kathy Beard

Dog Injured in fightDog Injured in fight

Dog Injured in Fight

Dear Sirs,

Dog fighting is a cruel blood sport designed to merely entertain the vicious minds of inhumane people.  The fight goes on for at least two hours with the losing dog often left to die.

Please inforce stricter fines and penalities on the people who engage in these crimes.  Help flush out underground dogfighting as well.  Please rescue and help treat any animal found with such people

Dog fighting is both cruel and inhumane!  We MUST speak out against those who do such harm.  Animal Abuse is now a felony in all 50 States.  If people like these do terrible crimes to dogs, what might they do to a child? Or anyone?

This must be stopped immedietly!  The dogs must be rescued and treated and those responsible held accountable.


Kathy Beard

One voice CAN make a difference!

Doj after FightDog after Fight

Dog after Fight

Update #310 years ago
Hello Friends,
Please take a moment to watch the video. These dogs need our voice to help them! Please pass this petition to anyone you know and let's put a stop to this horrible crime!
Thank You!
Update #210 years ago
Petition Update:
Senator Alexander and Senator Corker have both responded to the letters on STOP DOG FIGHTING. Let's keep speaking up on behalf of these poor dogs and end this senseless violence!
Please help by sending this Petition to any contact you may know.
Thank you,
Kathy Beard
Update #110 years ago
Thanks so much for signing STOP DOG FIGHTING! So far we are already over 1000 signatures in just one week! Please help keep the momentum going by sending the petition to Facebook Twitter and also emailing friends.
Thanks and God bless.
Kathy Beard
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