Help us fight for ANIMAL RIGHTS!!
The Uruguayan Parliament wants to transfer CONAHOBA (Animal Welfare Commission) from the Education and Culture Ministry to the Livestock Farming Ministry, AND THAT MEANS THAT WE WON'T BE ABLE TO DEFEND ANIMALS AT ALL!! This commission was created by Law 18.471 for animal welfare, now it is going to be even worse.
1.- Instead of 10 members there will be just 4 and none of them will represent Humane Orgs for Animal Rights.
2.- Since they plan to transfer CONAHOBA to the Livestock Farming Ministry (MGAP), we won't be able to defend animals as beings, since their only aim is animal production and are legally treated as things.
3.- The Commission should be composed of those who fight for all animal rights daily.
4.- Law 18,471 law should be a legal tool which should allows us to defend all animals alike. But, it has articles that allow rituals with animals, experimentation and animal slaughter.
5.- The Parliament is going to vote to have the DOG POUND again!!!
Please help us aim ANIMAL RIGHTS in Uruguay, please share and sign the petition and all those in Uruguay who wish to stand for Animal Rights we invite you to join us:
Libera org, Basta de TaS, Animal Help and all Non Profit Humane Orgs for Animal Rights and activists for Animal Rights in Uruguay, invite you to a Massive concentration in Rejection to the transfer of the National Animal Welfare Commission ( CO.NA.HO.BA. ) to the Ministry of Livestock (MGAP ) the 23rd October, AT 6:30PM. at Plaza Independencia, Montevideo, Uruguay
Please help us spread, share and sign this petition!!
This is Mary Brown Founder of ANIMAL HELP in Uruguay
Sr. Presidente de la República Dr. Tabaré Vázquez, Poder Judicial y Poder Legislativo del Uruguay,
1.- Agradecemos no cambiar a la CONAHOBA al MGAP, ya que ello destrozaría las buenas voluntades y el accionar de todas las Protectoras de animales en Uruguay, activistas y toda la ciudadanía uruguaya, generando un repudio masivo.
2.- Es necesario que la CONAHOBA sea integrada por Protectoras y Proteccionistas de animales, para poder velar por los derechos de los animales.
3.- Fue muy dura la lucha para terminar con la perrera en todo el territorio nacional, no queremos que se vuelva a implementar. La única forma civilizada es la castración masiva.
4.- Solicitamos la obligatoriedad de castración de perros y gatos en todo el territorio nacional, para evitar la superpoblación, salvo excepciones justificadas.
Un país, una civilización se puede juzgar por la forma en que trata a sus animales - Mahatma Gandhi
Sin otro particular, esperando atienda nuestra petición, Le saluda cordialmente,
Mary Brown