All across the United States, animals are rapidly becoming extinct and will a new proposed amendment called S.A.838, we could be saying farewell one some of America's most iconic animals of history - Including wolves. Not only has Alaskan Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski propose to SELL their HOMES, but now Washington's Representative has proposed to gamble their LIVES.
The Anti-Wolf Bill (H.R. 1985) was introduced by Washington's Republican Representative Dan Newhouse on this Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 that would quote: "Prohibit treatment of gray wolves in Washington, Oregon, and Utah as endangered species, and for other purposes." This bill was co-sponsored by Oregon's Republican Representative Greg Walden & Utah's Republican Representative Chris Steward). Meaning that, in short, the gray wolves would not only be delisted from the Endangered Species list but the states, on a FEDERAL level, would have them delisted of the Endangered Species Act in Washington, Oregon and Utah.
What's worse for these wolves is a recent report by the U.S Fish & Wildlife Service, the Washington wolf population had finally been growing after being wiped out decades ago; now they’ve been reported to have moved to Idaho and Canada. There are 16 packs that are within the northern corner of the state, but with both H.R.1985 AND S.A.838 on the table, we could be watching our wolves forever fade away.
Over 3,500 wolves have been slaughtered across the United States since 2011 alone, when they were stripped of federal protections under the Endangered Species Act.
Our icons in these western territories are quickly depleting – A recent report by Defenders of Wildlife state that there’s only 7,000 – 11,200 gray wolves in Alaska (excluding Alexander Archipelagos), 3,700 in the Great Lakes Region and only 1,675 in the Northern Rockies. In Michigan, unless action is taken immediately, they could see their wolves go extinct from Isle Royale National Park. Their numbers had started to nosedive in 2009 and after 6 years, the pack was annihilated completely; all that remains is what is assumed to be a mating pair and an unknown gender of a 9 month old inbred pup who experts say has a very low chance of survival and will probably not make it to its next birthday.
Researchers state that, while it is crucial to get outside genes, it may be impossible as the couple may either be too old to breed or may refuse to breed to outside wolves. While help may not come in time for the Isle Royale Pack, there is still time to finish the never-ending war for the other western state wolves.
Please sign my petion and tell Congress to say NO to H.R.1985!
House of Representatives:
We, the undersigned, are urging that you repeal H.R.1985 and ensure that gray wolves in the western regions remain on both the Endangered Species List and put back on the Endangered Species Act, which they were federally stripped from in 2011.
From a recent report from Fish & Wildlife Service, it was stated that the wolves in Washington are finally starting to regain from conservation efforts in the northern corner of the state, but stretches to Idaho and Canada. Gray Wolves are American Icons that crucially need this conservation. Over 3,500 wolves were slaughtered across the U.S in 2011 alone.
These animals play a crucial role in the ecosystem keeping overgrazing from occurring from ranchers and also brings in new diverse species. Without them, we will see more than just wolves going extinct; especially in Michigan’s Isle Royale National Park where gray wolves reduce the number of increasing moose populations.
Due to a severe nosedive in 2009, there are now only 3 wolves in Michigan’s National Park – Including a 9 month inbred pup who has a very low chance of survival; in total, however, there are approximately only 1,675 throughout the Northern Rockies and only 3,700 in these territories. There numbers mainly consist of natural causes, habitat/food loss, poaching, trapping and even poisoning. All killed ruthlessly under the hyped fear that these animals are dangerous or considered pests for farmers.
Keeping these state wolves on the Endangered Species Act and Endangered Species List is crucial for their survival – Especially in National Parks, where they are supposed to be protected by federal law. Please protect our wolves and ensure a healthy ecosystem, as well as give much needed conservation to the 3 remaining wolves at Michigan’s Isle Royale Park.
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