Proper slurry disposal is prohibitively expensive for farmers who are already being stretched thin financially. Removing unwanted slurry costs about £12.50 a ton to be bagged. The bags cost £600 each.
A slurry store costs thousands of pounds.
After Brexit, the UK will be responsible for supporting our own farmers and their environmental impact. This means we need to subsidise essential but expensive slurry management.
Please sign this petition to demand that the UK government commit to subdisiding slurry removal by 2020. Together, we can protect our wildlife, waterways and countryside. The UK government:
Pollution from UK farms is increasing, and slurry is a particular problem. Slurry removal is prohibitively expensive, and our farmers are struggling to meet the costs.
We must act to protect our waterways, countryside and wildlife. After Brexit, we will be shouldered with more independent responsibilities to do so. Please commit to subsidising slurry removal from 2020.
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