Despite a large number of UK stores banning the selling of cruel angora products, Debenhams are still selling angora clothing. ANGORA IS MADE BY STRIPPING THE FUR FROM LIVE RABBITS UNTIL THEY BLEED AND DIE FROM TRAUMA. It is the height of cruelty and needs to stop. Shops like Debenhams should lead the way as example setters for causes like this, not encourage their activity.
Dear Mr Sharp,
I write to you to ask for your help for a very important issue. It recently came to my attention that your company, Debenhams, is still selling angora on the high street. Angora is made by pulling the soft fur from angora rabbits while they are alive. This causes them great suffering, trauma and injury. Workers in China have been filmed violently ripping the fur from the animals' skin as the rabbits scream at the top of their lungs in pain. And this isn't the end of their suffering - once their fur grows back after three months, they are made to go through it all over again. Many of them go into shock and if they survive this trauma, they are eventually hung upside down and their necks are slit. Their dead bodies are then sold.
A large company such as yours should be leading the way with causes such as this, ones that are already a major concern for many of your competitors, such as ASOS, Joules, Dorothy Perkins and Topshop. It's time you join the rest and cut out the need for this cruel activity.
Thank you for your time and should you decide to do the right thing, I thank you a million times more.
The investigator filmed workers who were violently ripping the fur from the animals' sensitive skin as they screamed at the top of their lungs in pain. After this terrifying and barbaric ordeal, which the rabbits endure every three months, many of them appeared to go into severe shock. After two to five years, those who have survived are hung upside down, their throats are slit, and their carcasses are sold.