Many are concerned about the welfare of race horses and are trying to ban the sport, this is near imposable due to the money and people that are employed with in it. I would like to make the lot of the race horse more acceptable to the general public and giving more protection for the horse by Banning the breaking of a race horse until it is a minimum of 2 full years of age preferably until 3 years old, the breaking of yearlings when bones are not matured causes many injuries such as splints and bowed tendons that are treated in a painful way in many cases by acid and pin firing to name 2 of several ways, the racing of two year olds causes over breeding, studs and stables want the horse on the track asap, due to cost if the stud had to keep horses another year they would think before putting more stock in a paddock.
The banning of 2 year old racing and the breaking of yearlings would relieve a lot of the suffering along with the loss of young horses due to injury avoiding a possible trip to the slaughter house or to neglect in a field, only the top class race horse or them with caring owners ( yes there are some ) are mainly given a future after racing, we can and will make the safety and welbeing of the racehorse a fact, with past protests we have made the design and limited use of the whip kinder for the horse along with the safer smaller jumps, still a lot to do but little by little we can help the lot of the racehorse.