Stop the Next Great Copyright Act (Orphan Works and Mass Digitization Bill)

  • by: Wendy Nguyen
  • recipient: Petitioning United States Congress


This is an Orwellian attempt to control our media and take away your rights!

This Orphan Works bill which United States Congress attempted to pass, with failure, is being pushed through and considered once again. This bill would effectively destroy freelance artistry, tip the power scale in favor of corporations (as if the game of life wasn't rigged enough) and change the way we express ourselves forever.

Let me summarize it for you. Normally, when you create original work (draw something or take a picture), you, the creator, are granted the exclusive rights to its use and distribution. In practice, this means no one can take your drawing or picture and make money with it. However, with this new bill, you are being stripped of your basic rights to your work.

You want to take credit for that great superhero you thought up and put on paper the other day? Great, give us your money! You want to make money off your work that's gaining traction and a fanbase? Um, sorry, but it's the property of X corporation. If you attempt to monetize your work without due process and paying your masters in any way, you will be arrested, to put it bluntly. In addition, it just may pass on to music and other art forms. Still not worried? Consider this. Companies would be able to use ANY and all photos they find online (yes, even yours) for whatever they please. Things that anyone in their right mind wouldn't want publicized. Do not think you are safe in Canada or Europe. This WILL spread.

If you are a believer in truth and justice, I urge you to sign this. No, I beg you to sign this. Time is running out.

Thank you.
United States Congress United States Congress
Stop the Next Great Copyright Act (Orphan Works and Mass Digitization Bill)

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