The Petition
We, the undersigned, oppose State Approval of the proposed Hawaii Dairy Farms (HDF) Waste Management Plan (Plan) submitted to the State of Hawaii, Department of Health unless and until an Environmental Assessment (EA) is completed in accord with Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 343, and its findings assure that HDF can operate the proposed Dairy without harm to the environment of Maha’ulepu Valley, its culturally significant landmarks, and the health and well being of residents and visitors to Kaua'i.
The Overview
Hawaii Dairy Farms (HDF) proposes to implement a large industrial scale dairy, bringing 2,000 dairy cows to a 582 acre parcel less than a mile from the coastline. The white sand beaches and coral reefs of Maha’ulepu are currently free of any development.
The proposal to operate a large concentrated dairy, where 2,000 cows will be grazed on just 24 acres per day (83 cows per acre), will result in at least 200,000 lbs. of manure and 16,000 gallons of urine being left daily on the clay soils found on the farm site. There is grave concern of risk to the ecosystem and all of the protected and endangered species- many of them endemic- who make their home at Maha’ulepu.
The waterways are also at risk, both streams and ocean, from pollutant runoff when either irrigation or heavy rains fall on the farm’s clay soils. Furthermore, health of visitors and residents who enjoy fishing, swimming, and surfing in the area adjacent to the farm, may be exposed to harmful bacteria from cattle waste. Hawaii Diary Farms is unable to identify any dairy operation in the United States that even comes close to the stocking and grazing density that they are proposing
Tell Hawaii Dairy Farms that you oppose their current Waste Management Plan! Just say No to Moo Poo in Maha'ulepu!

Sina Pruder, P.E.
Wastewater Branch
Environmental Management Division
Department of Health
919 Ala Moana Blvd.,
Room 309 Honolulu, HI 96814
Dear Ms. Pruder:
We, the undersigned, oppose State Approval of the proposed Hawaii Dairy Farms (HDF) Waste Management Plan (Plan) submitted to the State of Hawaii, Department of Health unless and until an Environmental Assessment (EA) is completed in accord with Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 343, and its findings assure that HDF can operate the proposed Dairy without harm to the environment of Maha’ulepu Valley, its culturally significant landmarks, and the health and well being of residents and visitors to Kaua'i.