Cows, calves, pigs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and other animals live in extremely stressful conditions:

  • Kept in small cages or jam-packed sheds or on filthy feedlots, often with so little space that they can’t even turn around or lie down comfortably
  • Deprived of exercise so that all their bodies’ energy goes toward producing flesh, eggs, or milk for human consumption
  • Fed drugs to fatten them faster and keep them alive in conditions that could otherwise kill them
  • Genetically altered to grow faster or to produce much more milk or eggs than they naturally would (many animals become crippled under their own weight and die just inches away from water and food).
This is inhumane and unaceptable in the 21st century. It's time to end this CRUELTY and make this world a better place for ALL of us.
This is inhumane and unaceptable in the 21st century. It's time to end this CRUELTY and make this world a better place for ALL of us.
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