Conservation Agriculture (CA) involves no-till (planting through old crop residues) and keeping residues on the field for mulch, retaining moisture and for keeping soil in place.
Farmers can cut their Diesel use by 2/3, keep the soil on their lands and not rivers and lakes, avoid or reduce payments for drought insurance, improve the environment for natural wildlife, reduce precious irrigation water applied, reduce the runoff of agricultural chemicals to the environment, counter the effects of increasing lack of water due to climate change, and provide many associated benefits such as reduced costs by converting their traditional cropping methods into CA.
For this service to every inhabitant, we are asking Congress to grant exceptional and lasting tax breaks for every farmer who utilizes CA-cropping and practices to accomplish these benefits.
Add your voice to ours to tell Congress that we need CA in order to be food sustainable as our water resources dwindle. Right now agriculture consumes up to 80% of our water supply. Adopting CA nationwide will make a huge positive impact.
For more information on CA worldwide, go to