Two fatal car accidents in Queensland have prompted the government to approve a controversial cull of brumbies, according to a report on
About 200 horses are thought to be roaming in the Bruce Highway area and have been wandering onto roads.
The issue of culling is highly controversial because of the mythology surrounding brumbies in Australia.
Moreover, the culling methods are seen by many animal activists as potentially cruel.
Aerial culling, which involves helicopters and marksmen, can be inaccurate - horses not killed outright can endure long and painful deaths. Passive trapping is another method - the horses are then euthanised or re-homed.
However, brumbie supporters say there are other methods to manage the risk of collisions with cars, such as road safety campaigns and signs to alert drivers to slow down and drive with care.
Wild horses deserve to be treated with care and compassion. Will you join me in urging the Queensland Government to stop the brumbie cull and use traffic management and re-homing as alternatives?
Please sign and share the petition.