Please sign this. Lift restrictions on EPA. They are here to save our environment. Any one who wants to live in a world without animals and plants raise your hand. We need to quit believing this doesn't matter. It has for a long time mattered. The Oil companies are destroying our planet. The EPA speaks for us. Protects us from the evil men do. We need to get over ourselves and realize we are a small part of this world. There are so many animals and ecosystems. The Oceans are sick. That means we won't breath. The Oceans make 3 of the 4 breaths we take. Whale poop is helping to get the acid out of our Oceans. Sonic Cannons are killing our whales and dolphins. That is why they are beaching themselves. They navigate with sonar. Big oil is destroying our Oceans. Didn't anyone learn anything when they destroyed the Gulf. Oil leaks constantly. The leak in the Gulf will go one for too many years. You can't get oil out of the Gulf when it is still leaking in. Our Whales and dolphins are necessary. The Oceans, the forests and jungles all need protection from the Greed of men. Please help me put into action a plan to save our Flora and Fauna. I want my grandchildren to have a world of beauty and peace to live in. Man is out of harmony with the planet. Our planet is alive inside and out. She may use those fossil fuels for replenishment. The problem is these Oil companies drill and they are experimenting. They don't know or care about consequences. Well we must. We must stop their pollution for profit. It isn't profiting anyone else just them But we the people of the world are paying the price. Please sign. One person can make a difference.