Urge the Italian Government to reconsider the legalisation of wolf hunting in Italy!

  • by: Margherita Bandini
  • recipient: Gianluca Galletti, Minister of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea, Italy

The Italian Government is about to vote on a waiver regarding the “Direttiva Ambiente”, created in 1992, that, among other things, bans the killing of protected species on the whole territory. This waiver would allow the hunt of 5% of the current population of wolves present in Italy.

This is, simply, ridiculous. Wolves in Italy have only just started their comeback and are in no way a risk. Instead of spending time, money and human resources on culling, the Italian Government should concentrate their efforts on reducing poaching, implement the compensation to those who suffer losses caused by wolves and create programs that help humans learn how to co-exist with large predators.

Poaching and road accidents kill about 300 wolves every year in Italy, a number which would already exceed the proposed culling percentage. Why legitimise more deaths instead of confronting the poachers and making roads safer for wildlife and drivers?

Your vote will raise awareness and show the Minister of the Environment that this cause is not supported only in Italy but worldwide. Sign now!

Egregio Ministro Galletti,

con questa petizione dimostriamo che l'opinione pubblica non sostiene il programma di caccia autorizzata proposta come midifica alla Direttiva Habitat. 

Invece di spendere soldi e risorse in questa direzione, sarebbe piu opportuno investire in programmi di educazione ambientale rivolti ad aiutare la pacifica convivenza tra grandi predatori e la popolazione umana; operaizoni di anti-bracconaggio; la messa in sicurezza tramite passaggi sicuri per fauna delle strade e l'organizzazione di monitoraggi costanti per verificare con totale certezza la popolazione di lupi presenti sul territorio.

Sperando in una rapida risoluzione di questo problema, le auguriamo un ottima giornata.

La Squadra di Care2

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