Make Fawful playable in Mario Kart 8!

Mario Kart is one of the many Mario spinoffs where the Mario characters get together and compete. It is a friendly competition, and heroes and villains alike are players. But one genre of Mario games has never been represented: the RPGs. Most characters introduced in these games are one-off characters who never appear again. It is a real shame, but one character seemed to be a (semi) exception. While he hasn't appeared outside the RPGs, he has made a whopping 3 appearances within his series (out of 4 games). He also got a passing reference in the fourth game. This character's name is Fawful.

Fawful went from servant of the main villain, to underground merchant, to main villain, over the course of three games. His second game appearance as a merchant was a very minor role, but he was still there. In the third game he was characterized so much, having an army of minions and taking over two castles at once. However, he seemed to explode at the end of this third game. But many Mario bosses explode and are clearly seen alive later. Fawful, the most recurring fan-favorite Mario RPG character, can't just fade away, can he?

I say give him a revival! He's due for another appearance, and I think his latest role in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story should qualify him for at least a Mario Kart roster slot. Add Fawful to Mario Kart 8, Nintendo! The RPGs need representation badly, and Fawful is the most recurring! He already has quality voice-acting, a great design, and he's a non-Bowser-affiliated villain! Stand with me to get Lord Fawful into Mario Kart 8! He would make a great addition and totally make me and many others forgive the abomination that was Honey Queen, Metal Mario, and no Waluigi in Mario Kart 7. Fawful is a unique character with a fanbase who wants him revived! Please, Nintendo, I'm positive he will get very positive reception from the majority of fans! Fawful for Mario Kart 8!

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this today asking that you consider including Fawful in Mario Kart 8 as a new driver. I understand the situation at the end of Bowser's Inside Story but this can just be explained as a boss blowing up upon their defeat. Fawful could use many of his voice clips from that game, and maybe some new ones such as quotes like "I have chortles!" when he wins.

Honey Queen and Metal Mario were pretty unpopular among the fanbase (Metal Mario was still spammed online because of his stats) because of how minor Honey Queen was and how much of a clone Metal Mario was. Fawful would not only bring something unique to the roster, he would also be the first Mario RPG character to become playable in a multiplayer spinoff.

I believe this character who has three appearances (a lot for an RPG character) and was much more major in his games than Honey Queen was, not to mention being a fan-favorite, is deserving of a slot on Mario Kart 8's roster. Please consider adding him. Many fans would feel like a miracle has happened if he is playable. Thank you, and peace out.

A proud member of the Fawful fanbase 

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