In light of recent investigations that documented abuse at chicken farms, there is concern regarding grocery chains promoting these facilities by purchasing from them. A video exemplifies some of the abuse with story at . The horrifying fact in that article states that male chicks are actually ground up alive while others are thrown, dropped and mutilated.
The investigation was conducted by Mercy for Animals that shows some of the cruelty and industrialized reality that goes on in modern hatcheries. These babies are treated harshly, yelling in distress. They are quickly removed from their mothers after being newly hatched, placed on conveyor belts and sorted, discarded and handled more like inanimate devices. Often times, at such farms, these chicks are born and die all in the same day!
The treatment of all of these chicks, males and females alike is just the beginning of a life filled with cruelty and confinement. The handlers of these precious animals are callous and cold with no regard for animal welfare. These egg producers do all they can to hide their cruel practices from consumers. Grocery aisles nationwide stock egg cartons that seem to boast an image of healthy, free-roaming hens and roosters when in reality, the animals are subjected to cruel and violent treatment at industrial hatcheries and egg factory farms.
Mercy for Animals is targeting many of the largest grocery chains such as Wal-Mart to ask them to require that all the eggs on their shelves do not come from such abusive facilities in the egg industry. The efforts of our petition is to encourage Wal-Mart to ensure that none of their eggs are produced from such facilities, promoting this type of treatment! You can help us in our efforts to protect these young chicks and the adults as well by signing and sharing this petition.
Walmart Corporate Offices - President & CEO Doug McMillon – We strongly urge you to be very selective in who you purchase eggs from, not utilizing any that are abusive and cruel. Please do your research to ensure that you only deal with chicken and egg farms that are known for healthy, humane treatment with the concern for the welfare of the animals in mind. Purchasing from farms that are abusive and cruel only continues to enforce this type of behavior. Stop promoting animal abuse by keeping these cruel farms in business.