Police Chief Darin Moody
Shelton Police Department
525 W. Cota St.
P.O. Box 1610
Shelton, WA 98584
Non-Emergency: 360-426-4441
Business: 360-432-5145
City of Shelton City Hall
Dave O'Leary City Administrator
525 W Cota St.
Shelton, WA 98584
Tel: 360-426-4491
Fax: 360-426-1338
Following is not a story a person would want to tell their grandchildren…..
Dana, Buck’s Family Member writes:
“Tonight we mourn the loss of our boy Buck. What started as a great day ended in tragedy! I had opened the door to load Buck up in the car to go bye bye. It was then I noticed 3 cop cars and the Shelton Police Officers that were standing in the road. Buck ran up to them barking letting me know there was strangers out front and he was shot in the chest. The Shelton cop did not hesitate to pull his gun and shoot twice. We had no choice but to put down our best friend, our son to sleep. Good bye my handsome boy, my old man. Your daddy loves and misses you very much. I may have only got to spend the last year with you but it was a year i will never forget. Thank you so much for allowing me into your life Buck I love you so much. Thank you for doing your job and I am so sorry that it caused you to lose your life.”
Buck… a family pet was a 13 year old lab. Buck was shot in the chest by a Shelton Police Officer….why? Buck was barking! Why? Buck was barking at the officers standing in the street as any dog would to alert his owner to the strangers. Is that not why people have dogs? Matt Wood, Buck’s dad and the family were on their way out of the house to go to town as ever other time. Buck was family and usually went on family outings with them…and today was not any different…or at least should not have been.
However, there were 3 Shelton Police Officers present in the road. As Buck ran in that direction and was barking one officer casually reached for his gun and fired the shot before the other officers could even respond. Buck was seriously wounded and rushed to the vet where he was later euthanized because of the damage to the lung. Can you imagine having to make that call? Dogs die….usually due to an illness, old age or accident. This was no accident…this was a cold blooded murder of this dog.
Buck did not deserve to die and the family is now devastated by the action of one officer. Today a dog is not safe being a dog…doing things a dog does! Officers of the Law believe they have a right to shoot and kill your dog and are getting away with it. Matt and Dana want justice on the killing of Buck. We the People…we want “Justice”, justice for the killing of an innocent dog…and the tragedy a family will live with the rest of their lives. Can you see…can the officers truly see what one bullet can destroy? Do they care? The bullet does not lose momentum once lodging in the dog’s body…that bullet continues destroying the family…the community….the world! That one bullet creates animousity, anger, distrust and disrespect to the man in blue…his department….his colleagues and the very brotherhood that pin that shield upon his chest.
In this world…there are many choices we can make…there are ways to handle any given situation. A bullet is not the option. It should be the last and final option! According to records there has not been a death of an officer due to canines since the latter 1800’s. These deaths were not due to an aggressive dog….a charging or growling dog….no…not even a barking dog! These deaths were due to rabies. So what is it the police really fear…or is that their cloud of smoke for something more sinister?
We the People witness that the Civil Liberties have been violated against one of our citizens by the Shelton Police Department. A Criminal Complaint of Destruction of Private Property should be filed and prosecuted against the shooting officer. We the People demand that Shelton Police Officer be terminated immediately for his unjustified killing of Buck and the endangerment of the residence including Dana who was near her dog as it was shot.. We demand that the officer be fully investigated for any prior act related to the shooting and killing of animals. If found to have a history of shootings, then we demand he undergo psychological evaluation to determine the risk of his presence in society as an officer of the law and issuance of a service weapon. We demand that he be charged with and prosecuted for the crime he has committed against this family in the shooting of their family pet. These charges should include but not be limited to 1 Count of Criminal Felony Animal Abuse. We demand that the officer and the Shelton Police Department pay restitution to the family for the loss of Buck, a family pet.
We the People demand that the Shelton Police Dept and other State of Texas Law Enforcement officers be required to take mandated Canine/Officer Encounter Training. We demand that the State of Texas to implement body cams for all officers to be worn and activated in onset of dispatched call. We demand that these shootings be handled as a crimes against animals, a violation of civil liberties of citizens and a full and proper investigation from an outside agency be enacted immediately upon the discharging of a weapon (department issued or personal) which results in injury, death and/or property damage.
We the People demand that our Civil Liberties no longer be violated by those in Law Enforcement or who hold a position in our Judicial System. Animal Cruelty is a crime, it is time that it is enforced upon those who commit this crime. We the People stand to these demands we ask of those our tax dollars pay to Protect and Serve Us as a People! We the Undersigned agree to the Demands set forth in this petition As a United States Citizen I will not remain silent, I will stand up as a People and demand justice
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