Save koala habitat in Maryborough, Qld., Australia

  • by: Audrey Robb
  • recipient: Fraser Coast Council and State Government

A greedy multi-millionaire developer owns a tract of land in Tinana, Maryborough, which has always been a koala habitat.  Now he has started to bulldoze the land and its trees because he wants to develop it, i.e. to build houses on it.  The developer has halted the bulldozing temporarily because of public protests.  Its worth is $400,000, but no one seems able to afford it or want it as a koala habitat.  The Council should buy the land, and would have plenty of money but too often wastes it on other things which are not needed. 

Tell the Fraser Coast Council and State Government to preserve the koala habitat in Tinana, Maryborough!

Update #110 years ago
Save koala habitat in Maryborough, Qld. Australia.
Update. Thanks to massive support worldwide, a $200,000 fund-raising campaign had been launched to purchase koala habitat as an environmental reserve in the Henderson Park Estate.
Council has agreed to maintain and manage the site. Donations can be made through the Queensland Trust for Nature :
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