Please sign and share this petition to demand accountability for the rampant pollution of New York's waterways.
Hundreds of lakes and rivers are now unsafe to swim in or drink from because contaminated runoff water is feeding directly into clean river water and polluting it.
The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is supposed to protect New York's waterways, but instead is letting cities come up with their own pollution plans and self-report on them.
This plan ignores the need for state conservation authorities to actually inspect water quality and punish polluters.
Beaches are all highly contaminated with polluted runoff from cities – now, going swimming at the beach can lead to illness.
The health and well-being of humans, animals and the environment are all affected. Instead of continuing the failed approach of the past, the state should be holding municipalities accountable for cleaning up their pollution.
Let's work together to make sure cities in New York are held accountable for polluting our state's precious clean water sources.
Department of Environmental Conservation – It is imperative that you step up and protect the New York waterways by working with each individual city and municipality. Consider such methods as street trees, green roofs, porous pavement to soak up rain waters and other means of green infrastructure. Such approaches can help to stop water runoff before it starts, avoiding the carry off of pollution into the local waterways. The health of these waters affects the lives of humans, all types of animals and the environment. You need to ensure that cities be held accountable for rampant pollution Of New York Waterways.