Demand MAXIMUM Penalty for Man GUILTY of Repeatedly Stabbing & Killing His German Shepard

  • by: Justice for "Shoes"
  • recipient: Presiding Judge in Case #CR15-3208 - Nathan Mayer - Douglas County, NE

Douglas County Sheriff’s Deputies have arrested a man for allegedly stabbing his dog to death.

Thirty-three-year-old Nathan Mayer was arrested Monday. NHS investigators along with deputies contacted Mayer at his home where they found the dog, an 8-year-old German Shepherd mix named Shoes, in a white plastic bag on the deck.

Investigators say the dog appeared to have multiple stab wounds and blunt force trauma to the head. The investigation determined that Mayer began chasing and stabbing the dog after he was bitten. Evidence shows the dog was also beaten repeatedly with a barbell. Deputies say there was evidence of the crime in the lower level of the house, and on the main level in numerous rooms.

Monday morning a necropsy was conducted on Shoes by a veterinarian with the Nebraska Humane Society.  It was verified the dog died of multiple stab wounds and blunt force trauma.

Those that live in Mayer's neighborhood, call the Westin Hills neighborhood, a nice area.

Some even call it a very dog friendly place, but what happened early, Monday morning, has many neighbors heartbroken.

"It's always sad when a dog is hurt," said Joan Houston.

Houston has lived in the neighborhood for about 14 years, and when she heard the news that Mayer is accused of killing what many in the area have said was his mother's dog, she was shocked.

Not only for her neighborhood, Houston said, that's devastating news no matter where it happens. It's devastating for representatives with the Nebraska Humane Society, too.

Mark Langan, Vice President of Field Operations at NHS, said, "This dog died a slow, agonizing death, so we really do take this personally, when we hear about a situation like this."

NHS is now, stopping at nothing to make sure Mayer is given the maximum penalty.

Langan said, "We'll be working with the prosecutor on the case to make sure the judge finds out exactly what this guy did."

Mayer is still being held at the Douglas County Correctional Center, without bond.

He's being charged with Felony Animal Cruelty. This means, he could be facing up to 5 years in prison or a $10,000 fine. He could also be banned from owning any kind of animal for the next 15 years.

Your Honor, 

On behalf of many, we respectfully request that you impose the maximum penalty against Nathan Mayer, who brutally murdered the family dog "Shoes". 

As you may know, social scientists and law enforcement officials have identified animal abuse as a symptom of emotional illness and a precursor to violent crimes against human beings.

As a society, we must call a halt to the acceptance of cruelty to animals and enforce a policy of harsh punishment for these crimes. To allow individuals guilty of perpetrating such cruel acts to go unpunished or not sufficiently punished would be to sanction these horrific crimes and would permit them to go on to commit serious and violent crimes against humans.

I request that the harshest penalty be imposed against Nathan Mayer, including the maximum jail sentence. In addition, I strongly suggest that he receive mandatory psychological counseling and be prohibited from ever owning or harboring animals.

Please send a strong message to our community that cruelty to animals will not be tolerated by a civilized society by seeking the maximum penalty.

Thank you for your valuable time and consideration.


Sheree Pelton & Co-Supporters


Update #48 years ago
Sentencing hearing has now been postponed until 12/2/16 @ 10:30AM. Please continue to sign & share for JUSTICE FOR "SHOES".
Update #38 years ago
Nathan Mayer is FINALLY being sentenced on Friday, October 28, 2016 in Douglas County District Court after pleading guilty to a felony-level charge of animal abuse.

Please show your support for 'SHOES' at the sentencing hearing:
Friday, October 28, 2016
Hall of Justice
1701 Farnam
Omaha, NE 68183
Judge Marlon Polk's Courtroom - 5th Floor
Update #29 years ago
YES!!!! This p.o.s. was ordered to stand trial today Friday 11/20/15 in the brutal killing of the German Shepard named "Shoes". As reported by the OWH: "A German shepherd hid under a coffee table and inside a closet to try to escape a man who was beating him to death, an animal control officer testified Friday." Full article link in first comment section. PLEASE KEEP SHARING!!!!!! ..... let's make sure he gets the MAXIMUM which is only a mere 3 years - hardly enough for this kind of brutality!
Update #19 years ago
The court date has been set for 11/20/15 and we would really like to have at least 1000 signatures on this petition prior to delivering to the County Prosecutor. Thank you to all who have signed this petition & PLEASE FORWARD to friends, family and dog lovers to help reach our goal! What an agonizing long death this poor dog suffered at the wrath of some madman!
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