Ban Trapping on the Navajo Nation

All creation, from Mother Earth and Father Sky to the animals, those who live in water, those who fly and plant life have their own laws, and have rights and freedom to exist; and The Navajo People have a sacred obligation and duty to respect, preserve and protect all that was provided for we were designated as the steward of these relatives through our use of the sacred gifts of language and thinking; and Mother Earth and Father Sky is part of us as the Navajo People and the Navajo People is part of Mother Earth and Father Sky; The Navajo People must treat this sacred bond with love and respect without exerting dominance for we do not own our mother or father. The rights and freedoms of the Navajo People to the use of the sacred elements of life as mentioned above and to the use of the land, natural resources, sacred sites and other living beings must be accomplished through the proper protocol of respect and offering and these practices must be protected and preserved for they are the foundation of our spiritual ceremonies and the Navajo life way; and It is the duty and responsibility of the Navajo People to protect and preserve the beauty of the natural world for future generations. Therefore we are calling for an end of the use of all traps on the Great Navajo Nation, mechanical devices, designed to grasp an animal by the leg using spring-operated metal jaws. In their desperation to escape the pain and terror of being trapped, the captured animal will sometimes bite off the limb that has been caught. They catch unintended animals, including birds, domestic pets (including two of my dogs) and animals of rare species.  About 100 countries - excluding the United States, Canada and Russia - have so far banned the use of leghold traps on the grounds that they are inhumane and indiscriminate. Britain was one of the first countries to outlaw them in the 1950's and the European Union banned steel-jaw leghold traps in 1995. We the Navajo People and others of all races are a compassionate, caring people as taught to us by the Creator and the Holy People and are going to treat our animal brother and sisters with respect by ending this barbaric practice that is legal on the Great Navajo Nation.
                                           Ahéhee’ (Thank you)

                                           Ron Toahani Jackson              Ban Navajo Nation Trapping

Huffington Post Article, Our Story

TrapFree New Mexico

Wildlife conservation Pro's agree Traps Not good

KKRN Radio Show with Ron Toahani Jackson

Indian Country Today article

Update #59 years ago
The photo i updated is of two baby foxes that were brought into the NNDFW for tags by non Navajo trappers. This is an insult to all of our traditional teachings! You can see the damage those traps caused not to mention the pain these babies went through.
Update #49 years ago
The link to the radio show that Huffington Post writer Julia Orr and I were on last night out of Santa Rosa CA
Update #39 years ago
Tonight Dec 5 2015 Illegal Fur Trapping and Animal Rights, Ban Navajo Nation Trapping

10pm pacific

KKRN (dot) org
88.5 Redding CA area

With special guests
Ron Toahami Jackson and Julia Orr
Update #29 years ago
We have kind of stalled at years end but this not uncommon, people are busy partying, getting ready for the new year. We appreciate all the people from all over Mother Earth that have signed, in 2016 we are going to amp up our effort here on the Navajo Nation to get these traps out of here for good. Nił hózhǫ́ǫgo chʼídoohah (Happy New Year in Navajo) ........BNNT
Update #19 years ago
Wow, we here on the Navajo Nation did not expect this amount of people who have signed our petition to Ban Trapping on the Navajo Nation, especially the amount of signers from around this beautiful planet we call Mother Earth.

In beauty I walk
With beauty before me I walk
With beauty behind me I walk
With beauty above me I walk
With beauty around me I walk
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again
Navajo Blessing

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