Please sign and share this very important and crucial petition everywhere possible in an effort to demand that Secretary Tom Vilsack not appoint someone in a position of animal welfare and defense who actually defends and promotes puppy mills! How can the USDA expect to protect, stop the operation of and save animals from puppy mills if they appoint an official to an important position who is not qualified; someone who actually believes in puppy mill operations!!!
The USDA is actually considering appointing Julian Prager, a very outspoken, anti-animal-welfare advocate into a position that makes crucial decisions regarding the regulations and enforcement of puppy mills. Prager is already an official at two major organizations that lobby against all forms of breeder regulations, especially pertaining to measures aimed at curbing puppy mills. This individual has already openly opposed regulations set forth by the USDA regarding retail pet stores engaging in puppy mill animals along with state regulations against puppy mill operators performing their own animal C-sections and de-barking of their dogs. How can the USDA even consider put such a person in a crucial position to stop puppy mills and their practices when Prager is clearly in opposition of those efforts! Makes no sense!!
This is such a vital effort to stop the many horrific puppy mills that exist nationwide; how can we stop their pain and suffering by engaging an anti-animal welfare spokesperson in a position of authority. Puppy mills are notorious for over-breeding dogs to produce “desirable” puppies for sale, forcing dogs used for breeding to live in small cages with little to no veterinary care, no access to grass, and barely enough food or water to survive. Often times, cages are stacked on top of each other with the animal in the lower level covered in urine and feces from the one above! And they want to appoint this Prager to stop such practices when this person is actually in favor of puppy mills??!!
Please sign and share this very important and crucial petition everywhere possible in an effort to demand that Secretary Tom Vilsack not appoint someone in a position of animal welfare and defense who actually defends and promotes puppy mills! How can the USDA expect to protect, stop the operation of and save animals from puppy mills if they appoint an official to an important position who is not qualified; someone who actually believes in puppy mill operations!!!
USDA and Secretary Tom Vilsack - Please, please, please do not appoint Julian Prager on a board that is supposed to stop puppy mills and ensure proper regulations. Puppy mills nationwide is a huge problem and concern that needs the efforts of real animal lovers and activists to stop these practices. Hiring someone who is clearly in favor of puppy mills and other mass breeding efforts is only escalated the problems rather than putting an end to these problems with animal cruelty and abuse of poor innocent animals. Do not place this Julian Prager on your board aimed at stopping puppy mills and enforcing the USDA rules and regulations!