On December 25th 2015 a little 4 month old puppy was found with his muzzle taped shut and both hips broken, Chance Christmas is recovering from the abuse and torture that the accused individual allegedly inflicted upon this small puppy.

We are asking the courts to show no leniency on the 4 charges brought against his alleged abuser. 

Click here for news stories about the charges and the alleged abuser.

PETITION TO THE COURT for case of 46-D04-1601-F6-000021

            XXXX XXXXX for charges of 35-46-3-12(c) Torturing a Vertebrate Animal Level 6 Felony

                                                                 35-46-3-12(b) Cruelty to an Animal Class A Misdemeanor

                                                                 35-46-3-7(a) Animal Neglect/Abandonment Class A “    “

                                                                  35-46-3-7(a)Animal Neglect /Abandonment Class A “    “

The undersigned people and the Guardians of The Green Mile rescue group are representing the dog named “Chance Christmas.”  We are asking Your Honor and the Prosecutor assigned to this case the following request petition in regards to the accused and charged individual. 

  1. Please set the highest bond possible as he has proven to be a flight risk.

  2. That there would be no dismissals on any of his above charges and he is held accountable for all four above charges.

  3. That he will serve time in jail and there would be no probation.

  4. He will not be allowed to own an animal of any kind ever again.


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