Please, Stop Immediately the Brutal Slaughtering of Dogs in China
Seine Exzellenz Shi Mingde, Botschafter der Volksrepublik China Botschaft der Volksrepublik China
Please, stop immediately the brutal slaughtering of dogs in China
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
[Ihr Name]
Petition von
Mag. Dr.Grabowski Annamaria
Kelheim, Deutschland

A weekend in a country house at S. County,a county of Zhejiang province,China , when this group of visitors arrived on site they found an abandoned dog house keeper (the dog lived in the place where the house is located) they commonly decided to make a meal of him and to film the slaughter for to disseminate on internet, the poor wretch does not yet know what awaits him...
I decided to make this album as a tribute to this poorest guard dog, slaughtered mercyless, and all the thousands, tenthousands, other poorest dogs there, slaughtered in dark, dirty, hidden rooms! And threfore we have witnesses for these inhuman actions, going on and on:
Please, sign my petition, it came out of my heart:
Thank You so much:
Dr. Annamaria Grabowski
Please take part & sign this petition for these poorest dogs in China!
Dr. Annamaria Grabowski
Update #310 years ago
DEAR SUPPORTERS, thank You so much for Your signing this Petition to stop that inhuman, twisted slaughtering of Dogs in China. I´ll add two more links from Videos I created recently - under tears!
In spite off all the cruelties I wish You all a Christmas with peace and freedom and joy!
Update #210 years ago
DEAR SUPPORTERS, thank You so much for Your signing this Petition to stop that inhuman, twisted slaughtering of Dogs in China. I´ll add two more links from Videos I created recently - under tears!
In spite off all the cruelties I wish You all a Christmas with peace and freedom and joy!
Update #110 years ago
I´ll show a Video fróm China´s tortured Dogs; I cannot stop to fight for them - trusting in Your Support! PLEASE, SIGN & SHARE THS PETITION - THANK YOU! Annamaria
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