The Dangerous Dog Act has long been ineffective. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) has not reduced the number of dog attacks, not has it eradicated the breed known as Pit Bull Terrier which has long been discriminated against. If anything banning certain types of dogs has mae those breeds, and similar types, into status symbols and as such they are now attractive to some people, not always the best of people. Large numbers of these status dogs can be seen in urban areas and in rehoming centres all across the UK. Every dog is an individual and should be treated as such when assessing the animal's behavior. It is impossible to judge a dog's behavioural capabilities based upon it's physical conformation or breed type.
We would like to see a repeal of BSL all across the UK and a clear focus on 'deed not breed'. We want to see POlice and Dog Wardens given the power to issue Dog 'ASBOs' or control orders to overs of dogs that are a threat and have acted aggressively or even dangerously without provocation before an attack takes place. Stronger action should also be taken against owners that have allowed or even encouraged an attack to take place against a person or another animal. Legislation must allowed action to be taken against 'dangerous owners', yet whilst protecting the welfare of the dog.