This is one of the most horrific things I've read, i couldn't bear to look at the picture. This man and the horse's owner need to be punished for this cruelty to a defenseless animal. They need to be prosecuted and jailed for the maximum penalty that the law allows!
Here's the article for which this petition was created! When I get 5000 signatures, I'm sending the petition to the govermor of Oklahoma.
In McCurtain County, Oklahoma, a disturbing Facebook photo of a man standing on a horse while holding a whip as the helpless animal's legs were tied together, garnered thousands of views and comments concerning the deliberate act of alleged animal cruelty and a much debated method of training horses.
Two weeks ago, the McCurtain County Sheriff's Office stated a report was filed and handed to the district attorney's office for review. According to District Attorney Mark Matloff, no animal cruelty charges have been filed against the horse's owner, Jeromy Mixon.
Wendy Stewart was one of the first to see the photo on June 7. Steward told Fox25Oklahoma:
"I work with horses. I've trained my own barrel horse and I have colts that I work with, stud colts. I would never do something like this; hog tie a horse and throw it down like that and stand on it to so-called teach it manners. That's not the way you teach a horse manners."
Most people called it abuse, however Jeromy Mixon had a different version stating the horse was extremely combative and since "when did sitting on a colt become a crime?"
Where it is not considered animal cruelty to hogtie or even whip a horse, however the far more serious problem appears to be the strap used on the sheath of the horse and how the horse's flanks appear to show him extremely dehydrated.
According to a horse trainer contacting the National Pet Rescue Examiner, asking not to use his name at this time, did however have an interesting observation. He stated:
"Where the owner has the strap, the horse's natural reaction is to kick out.The combination of using the strap on a very dehydrated horse whose neck is wet from sweat, then hogtying him, and add to that standing on him so he can't breathe all done at one time, is indeed cruelty."
View a short video of photos taken with the horse "being trained."
Despite repeated requests from viewers, area residents and animal advocates, the horse has not been seen. Rumors of the horse having died have circulated widely through social media although Mixon allegedly claims the horse is fine.
On Monday, animal advocates and outspoken public figures, Ken Wahl and the Barbi Twins continue to question why there have been no animal cruelty charges pressed against the trainers:
"CALL TO ACTION KEN WAHL+we're asking why #McCurtain County-#OK filed NO #animalcruelty on horse rumored to be now dead-DA is pals+let's his friend horse trainers Jeromy Mixon+Brad Stewart in Millerton off-Help make viral until justice is done! I'm horse trainer+never did this-seen this done but not to this measure-the horse has strap so it can't breathe-dehydrated+was seen whipping almost to death-no horse found!! See if still alive!!"
To the Honorable Governor of Oklahoma
Mary Fallin
Dear Governor Fallin,
We signed this petition hoping that you can take action against this horrible person who obviously abused this horse. Apparently, the District Attorney Mark Matloff did not file criminal charges against the horse's owner, Jeromy Mixon although the incident was investigated and pictures were published of the abuse.
This kind of behavior should not be tolerated and the signers of this petition agree that punishment should be given to the owner and trainer of the horse. As of this writing, it is not known whether the horse is still alive. We are sure there are more humane methods of training animals.
We kindly ask that you do whatever you can to bring this man to justice for the poor defenseless horses in the world and in the State of Oklahoma. We hope you can take the appropriate action. Thank you.
Yours truly,
Ellen Chernoff
and the signers of this petition!
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